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Flyfish Club
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Flyfish Club

Flyfish Club (FFC) is the world's first member's only private dining club where membership is purchased on the blockchain as a Non-Fungible-Token (NFT) and owned by the token-holder to gain access to our restaurant and various culinary, cultural and social experiences. FFC members will have unlimited access to a private dining room that will span across 10,000+ square feet in an iconic, New York City location. The space will consist of a bustling cocktail lounge, upscale restaurant, intimate omakase room, and an outdoor space. Created by VCR Group (Gary Vaynerchuk, David Rodolitz, Josh Capon, and Conor Hanlon), a team of passionate operators behind several celebrated culinary concepts, FFC will provide unmatched hospitality in a uniquely curated environment. After purchasing on OpenSea, please create a member profile at []( and connect your wallet to verify ownership of your token.

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